Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas in the Congo

Here it seems like Christmas is only for the children. In America, most people are dreaming of a white Christmas, but here, it's usually a hot or a rainy Christmas. There is no white snow but instead tan sand. There are no decorated houses, and even if there are some, you can't see the decorations because of gray cement walls. There is many little (tiny) amusement parks and there are plenty of toys in stores.
Here in Congo, the weather is beautiful on Christmas, and there is lots of mangoes. Here, I'd say it's the new Christmas spirit.

By Micah Senga

There are fake Santa Clauses everywhere in stores. In stores there are decorations but since there are walls everywhere you can't see if there are lights in homes. There are decorations only in supermarkets not really in outside markets. I like Christmas in USA and in DRC. I think there are two differences; one it is cold and sometimes snowing, two in USA everywhere is decorated.

By Jonathan Senga

Christmas in the Congo is really different to me than Christmas in America. In America, you will see lights all over the place and also snow. But here it's really hot and there is not a lot of lights when you look in a neighborhood. And it looks like it corn season. But there is a lot of decorations and especially big fat Santas playing trumpets and dancing. I like Christmas in the Congo and in America.

By Michelle Senga

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