Monday, May 12, 2008

Finally on the road

Packing and getting rid off things we accumulated in the last years, took longer than we planned. Fortunately on Monday night we were done and ready to go.
We left Edgewood at 4 AM, drove taking as many stops as possible and made it to North Carolina at 3 PM. Check out the pictures from the trip.

Friday, May 2, 2008

North Carolina

Our trip to North Carolina, which is the first stop of our trip to the Congo, is scheduled this week-end. Please pray for us...that God will protect us in this trip and bless us. We also need God to help us getting everything ready before we leave.
We have great kids that enjoy long trips. They are very excited since we will be staying with great people. Please pray for this wonderful family that has opened their home and hearts to our family.

Jean's Trip

It is finaly around the corner. Jean will be going to the Congo sometime after May 9th. His mission is to establish things in Kinshasa. He will start the processus of launching out the church, licensing, finding the proper geographical area, evangelism, and reaching out to "The Children of the Street." Parallell to this, he will work on setting up things for the rest of the family to make sure that the adaptation to the new environment, new culture, new everything, will be as smooth as possible.

We thank all of you that pray for us.